If you're like most people, you often weigh your options before you make a major purchase online that could dramatically affect your company.  You've probably browsed a few websites looking for the best deal, but the hard thing is figuring out which company offers quality products at a good price.  That's what we've done, and that's what Abraham came to find out after wading through a bunch of websites.

Customer Profile

Name: Abraham Stobaugh
Favorite Movie: The Patriot
Item Ordered: badge reels
Ordered For: Security
Date of Response: March 2, 2010


Here's My Review


I can't tell you how many other websites I visited and how much time I spent comparing prices just to purchase 300 badge reels for my security team.  I felt like I was literally scouring the entire internet just to find the best prices on these things.  There were some super cheap ones I found on Amazon, but I could tell by the pictures that they were going to be super cheap.  Like something you'd find in one of those claw games.  So I kept up the search and settled on you guys.  Your customer service guy helped me through the entire order process and made it pretty easy.  It was the first time I had ordered custom anything so I'm glad he could address some of the concerns I had. 

Thanks for your help

A. Stobaugh
Brookings, North Dakota



Find out more. Enter “badge reels” in the search window at the upper left.


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