Artwork should be emailed to this address when you send an order:


Include your order number, name and phone number with the graphic so we know which order it goes with and can contact you if there are questions.

Allowable Image Formats:
The very best is Adobe Illustrator in PC format. This is professional art and we don't expect everyone to be able to provide graphics in this format.

CorelDRAW - convert files into .eps before sending

In Illustrator, all fonts should be converted to outlines.

Other okay formats: .JPG, .TIF, .BMP, .GIF,  are all acceptable but they must be large high resolution files (400 dpi or more). Images pulled off of websites are usually too poor quality and may incur a small re-draw charge. If all you have is a web graphic, send it to us and we'll see what we can do. Some

Not Recommended: Pagemaker, ClarisWorks, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc.... When you send in these formats you are assuming that we have the same fonts you used. Otherwise, when we open these files, other fonts are substituted and what we see is different than what you sent. Better to fax the page to 510-217-4219 and send us the original image file that you imported into the program. We can still accept these formats and sometimes it's better than nothing.

Sketches and Drawings: We can create your idea from a sketch ...usually for free or a nominal fee. Just fax or email the sketch.

Sizing: Unless otherwise requested by you, we will imprint the image to the size that looks best, or is the largest we can on a particular item.

Proofs: Once we have finished your graphic, we'll email you a proof so you can review it before we begin your order.