Most people enjoy traveling immensely. Even if you are not a fan of traveling, there must be at least one place in the world where you would like to go for a nice holiday. Whether it is a relaxing, sunny holiday in Hawaii or a skiing trip to Switzerland – everyone has a dream vacation. Furthermore, we have all traveled somewhere in our lifetime, and we have all experienced the feeling of the unknown surroundings and the uncertainty that follows this feeling. When this feeling takes over, however subtle it might be, the last thing you want to happen to you is to lose your money and your documents.

Many people dream about traveling to Italy or France, and these are the two European countries that are worst when it comes to pickpockets. There are some precautions you can take in order to make yourself a much more difficult and demanding target, and this will in most cases be enough as pickpockets generally look for easy targets. Going on a trip in a foreign country and carrying all of your money, credit cards, and documents in a wallet in your rear pocket is basically the same as carrying a ‘feel free to mug me’ sign around your neck. Instead of this, wear a wallet around your neck!

Don't think that neck wallets are just for conventions or businesses.  They're multi-functional, and actually, neck wallets are one of the best inventions for tourists. These nifty accessories give you a unique chance to stash your cash and valuables safely and have them around your neck at all times. Money belts are great as well, but they are not as good as neck wallets. Custom neck wallets are not only safe, but also very practical as you will have all your valuables at the reach of your hand at all times, plus, they're great as promotional products for tour groups or tour sites.  You can rest assured that pickpockets will rather find someone that keeps their pocket in their jeans than take a risk and try to mug you while you are wearing a neck wallet.